He [the Lord] gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. -Isaiah 40:29-31 (NKJ)


Thanks for dropping by. You have landed in a Safe Place.
The purpose of this webpage is to offer through the Finished Work of Christ...

Salvation to the lost *
Healing to the brokenhearted * Courage & Strength to the weak * Hope & Direction to those who have lost their way * Deliverance to the bound & oppressed * and a Deeper, more Intimate Relationship with the Lord for those who hunger after Him.

Also, to offer teaching and bring awareness of the desperate need for Deliverance & Inner-Healing Ministry for countless precious individuals within the Body of Christ.

You will find a helpful list of recommended websites & books toward the bottom of the Page. Please feel free to email me with questions, comments, or prayer needs.

I look forward to our journeys together!
-Soldier of Hope


Friday, July 22, 2011

"A Dance With Despair"


One day sadness came beating on my door;
It stormed in and pulled me out
and hurled me upon a sinking seashore.
I watched as the waves came crashing down;
they climbed up the beach and dragged me in,
turning this child’s smile into a frown. 
I was sucked under water, deep into the sea.
I couldn’t swim or breathe;
Oh Dear God, Please Help Me!”
I struggled and struggled to stay afloat,
trying everything to escape my depressive moat.
Sunsets came and sunsets went
while my dance with despair was many years spent.
Then one day a Bright Star appeared
causing my way to become so clear.
It pierced the darkness of my night;
I reached out and grabbed it
and held on with all my might.
The Star gave me purpose,
The Star gave me hope,
it gave me guidance
and strength to cope.
This Bright Star of mine,
I will never let go;
He’s taught me to ride the waves
that once thrashed me to and fro.
Oh Jesus is my Star that shines so Bright;
He is my Lord, my Deliverer,
The One Who wraps me in His Divine Light.

~November 2009